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The thyroid gland is located under the skin at the front of the neck and is not felt.

 Thyroid function is the production of thyroid hormones

 It is a group of hormones that control the metabolic processes that occur in the human body


 That is, it is responsible for producing the energy needed for the cells of the body, which enables it to use that energy to carry out its normal functions.


 Thyroid dysfunction affects the health of the body in general and makes it easy prey to many diseases

Hair loss is caused by the increase or decrease in thyroid hormone


 There is a possibility of getting rid of this problem after receiving treatment for the disorder.

 The emergence of different changes in the status and psychological activity rate.

 In this case, lack of thyroid secretions is the cause of inactivity and laziness in addition to the feeling of depression.

 In a situation where thyroid secretions increase, the person becomes very active and hyperactive, accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, tension and nervousness.

Feeling hot or cold as thyroid dysfunction is responsible for the body's inability to regulate its temperature.

 If there is an increase in the secretion of the hormone, the body sweats and does not tolerate the temperature.

In case of decreased secretion, the body tends to feel cold even in the hottest times.

 A change in heart rate.

 As increased thyroid secretion leads to a faster rate of heart rate than normal rate, which raises blood pressure and a significant increase in the sound of heartbeat.

 If thyroid secretion is lacking, the heart rate will fall below normal.

 The appearance of swelling in the thyroid region of the neck

 Where this symptom is one of the most prominent symptoms that indicate a defect in the thyroid for clarity and visibility.

 Weight is increased and decreased, with thyroid hormone imbalance.

 If the amount of excretion increases, this leads to a significant decrease in weight. Conversely, if the amount of secretion is reduced, the body weight increases significantly. This is the most common problem.


Symptoms of increased thyroid secretions


Irregular menstruation.

 Feeling shaky in the hands.

 Weak body muscles.

Eye injury with several problems.

 Symptoms of hypothyroidism

 The menstrual blood flow profusely.

 The nails are broken.


In this case the skin becomes dehydrated

7284 Al-Alameya Polyclinic, Prince Sultan Road, Al-Nahdah District

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