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The prostate


Is a relatively small gland. Its size (and shape) is the size (and shape) of a walnut. This gland is located under the bladder (Urinary bladder)


It is part of the male reproductive system. This gland produces a group of fluids, but one of its functions is secretion of semen.

In the embryos, the prostate gland is a very small mass of cells that take growth and development with high levels of testosterone in the body. During puberty, the prostate gland grows at a high rate and doubles to 20 years of age.

During the next two decades, prostate growth decreases, causing no significant problems during this period, or even at least 40 years of age. Men who complain of prostate problems in the third decade (20 years) do not reach 10%.

When the man reaches the age of forty years, the prostate gland resumes growth. About half of men suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia until they reach the age of 65, while about 95% of men suffer from this problem within the age of 85 years.

The prostate gland surrounds the small tube that carries urine in the urinary tract (urethra). During adolescence and beyond, the prostate gland grows evenly and evenly from both sides, while its size during the second cycle of growth (around the age of 40) is very close to the urethra. When the gland grows too much, it squeezes the urinary bladder and makes it work harder and harder during urination. Over time, this problem becomes so complex that it may be very difficult to urinate and empty the bladder. Also, it can lead to an increase in the thickness of the walls of the bladder, which may cause pain.


Prostate Symptoms

The benign prostatic hyperplasia may lead to a set of basic symptoms:

Pain when urinating or pain in the area below the abdomen.

Irregularity of urinary flow (low urination or urination in the form of punctuation).

Frequent and involuntary urination, which may lead to sleep disturbance due to frequent waking at night for urination.

Pain travels to different places of the back and abdomen.


Prostate symptoms,

At first, it is relatively light, since the bladder muscles are able to counteract the pressure on the urethra. But the more time passes, the more complex the problem and the following signs may appear:


Difficulty starting to urinate.

Drops of urine after urinating (accompanied by a feeling of bladder emptying completely).

Feeling not to vacuum the bladder completely.


Prostate complications

Benign prostatic hyperplasia may be a potential cause of serious complications such as:

Bacteria growth: As a result of not emptying the urinary bladder completely, urine may accumulate in the bladder, creating a breeding environment for germs. These bacteria may cause frequent infections in the urinary tract

Serious complications: benign prostatic hyperplasia can lead to serious complications in the presence of stones in the kidneys or in the urinary tract, due to the accumulation of waste residue and chemicals on the walls of the bladder. Infected blood vessels can lead to blood in the urine, due to torn or swollen veins on the walls of the gland.

Kidney failure: The blood collected in the urethra can be brought back up to the kidneys, which may cause kidney failure.

7284 Al-Alameya Polyclinic, Prince Sultan Road, Al-Nahdah District

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