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- The network is the back of the eye that contains sensitive cells of the eyes that receive light and colors and reach the brain where it is recognized.


The retina is a part of the nervous system because its cells do not regenerate or multiply like other nervous system cells, so any disease affecting the retina should be treated early to prevent retinal damage and then lose its function forever.


- Diabetes makes the body does not consume or store sugar properly and may cause damage to blood vessels in the retina.


- Retinal dysfunction is caused by weakness and dysfunction of the blood vessels and nerve cells and may be accompanied by bleeding or fiber on the surface of the retina.




► The most important complications caused by diabetes on the eye:


- White water shows any stupidity on the lens of the eye.


- Diabetic retinopathy.


- Increasing the degrees of poor vision and instability.


- Palsy in the eye muscles leads to strabismus.


- Dry Eye .






Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy:


Diabetic retinopathy does not cause any pain and may not affect the eyesight at the onset of the disease, so diabetic eye doctors recommend the need for retinal examination annually (even with no complaint of change of vision) and in the case of fluid leakage in the tissues of the center of sight the patient is vision impaired and difficult Reading When the condition deteriorates, the following symptoms appear:


- Visibility of floating forms in the field of vision is often described by spider webs.


- Temporary loss of vision in the field of vision.


- The appearance of a black point in the field of vision.


- The emergence of mobile imagination in the field of sight.






► Stages of retinopathy


► Pre-vascular stage: None proliferative diabetic retinopathy


- Suffering from the patient in the retina and this stage you need to periodically follow up with the ophthalmologist and adjust the blood sugar in the normal limits to prevent aggravation of the condition.


► Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy:


- It is an advanced stage characterized by the presence of fragile blood vessels and thin on the surface of the retina can be bleeding at any time and may lead to bleeding inside the glass body or fibers on the surface of the retina leads to retinal detachment in both cases leads to a rapid and sharp drop in the level of sight.








► Treating Retinopathy:


- Preserving the percentage of blood sugar, blood pressure and blood cholesterol level in the pre-emergence of capillaries.


- Regularity in the review of the specialist eye specialist periodically from 3 to 6 months in the advanced stages and there are several methods of treatment depending on the situation include the following:




► Laser Therapy:


- Argon laser Argon Laser Vaccine that leads to fluid leakage of retinal tissue and in the appearance of abnormal capillaries, the doctor distributed a large number of laser points throughout the retina away from the center of view and the purpose is not to improve the consideration, but to preserve what is left of it With a progressive improvement of vision gradually.




► Injection therapy:


- Some cases require the injection of drugs in the glass liquid of the eye such as cortisone or Lucentis or other drugs against the substance of VEGF lead to the reduction of abnormal capillaries in the eye.




► Removal of the glass liquid of the eye:


- This is done when there is bleeding in the eye or retinal detachment through surgery in which the gels are pulled out of the glass.




► The most important sections of clinics of the eye medical reference:


- Lasik Oujda and correction procedures.


- Introduction of eye and cornea and white water.


- Retinal and vitreous unit.


- Blue water unit (Glaucoma).


- Unit of childhood and childhood diseases.


- Unit of plastic surgery and tear ducts.


- Neurosurgery Unit.


Optometry and Optometry Unit.




● Diagnostic units include:


Medical Imaging Unit.


Laser Therapy Unit.


- Optical field inspection unit.




- Ultrasonic examination unit.

7284 Al-Alameya Polyclinic, Prince Sultan Road, Al-Nahdah District

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